E-mail: daniel.vejsada@prkpartners.com
Daniel is an attorney at law at PRK Partners specialising in labour law. He regularly lectures on labour law and civil service and is actively engaged in the publication of academic work. Daniel is a co-author of the book, Vyznejte se v zákoně o státní službě (Getting to Know the Civil Service Act).
Daniel’s legal practice is focused on representing clients in litigation relating to labour-law matters and in representing employers before labour inspectorates. He regularly assists clients in terminating employment relationships and in preparing a variety of labour-law documents.
Daniel earned his Master’s degree (Mgr.) in law from the Faculty of Law of Charles University in Prague in 2012. In 2016 he was admitted to the Czech Bar Association as an attorney at law. Daniel is a member of the European Employment Lawyers Association (EELA) and an candidate for membership in the Collegium of Experts at the Association for the Development of Collective Bargaining and Labour Law Relationships (AKV). Daniel joined PRK Partners in 2012.
Daniel is fluent in Czech and English.