Mergers and Acquisitions

PRK's M&A Practice has built strong recognition over the years, as reflected in the numerous national and international awards the firm has received. Our legal expertise, language skills and broad legal experience have enabled us to help negotiate, structure, document and execute hundreds of deals for local and international clients over the past two decades.

We offer legal support and assistance in due diligence procedures, mergers, acquisitions, transformations and restructurings in the Czech and Slovak markets. Close cooperation with local and international experts from other jurisdictions means we are able to protect our clients’ interests effectively. 

We represent strategic investors, private equity firms and family offices both on the sell and buy sides.  Our clients include large national and multinational corporations in sectors such as finance, banking, automotive, transport, food, real estate, manufacturing, hotel and pharmaceuticals. 

Our regular involvement in competitive auctions gives us a well-rounded commercial perspective.  We draw on our deep understanding of key economic sectors to provide relevant and timely advice. Over the years, we have also become a partner of choice for a number of international law firms that need a strong local partner with a commercially-focused approach to assist on multinational transactions involving a significant Czech or Slovak component.  We advise on all local aspects of the transaction, ranging from due diligence and alignment of acquisition documentation on local law requirements to assistance with local closing deliverables.

Our competition and regulatory teams are ready to help secure requisite local approvals in a cost-effective manner. Our reach is not only local, but also regional.  We have acted on a number of acquisitions involving multiple targets in the region.

A strong legal team on your side

Martin Aschenbrenner


Martin Aschenbrenner

Miriam Galandova


Miriam Galandova

Radan Kubr


Radan Kubr

Monika Maskova


Monika Maskova

Robert Nemec


Robert Nemec

Peter Oravec


Peter Oravec

Roman Pecenka


Roman Pecenka

François Veit


François Veit

马丁 ∙ 克希什


马丁 ∙ 克希什

杨 ∙ 科豪特


杨 ∙ 科豪特

Marta Donizeau


Marta Donizeau

Jan Varecha

Jan Varecha

Lucie Vorlova

Lucie Vorlova

Martina Javorova

Martina Javorova

Norbert Hink

Norbert Hink

Silvia Kratochvilova

Silvia Kratochvilova

张 诗洋

张 诗洋

Katerina Hajkova

Katerina Hajkova

Illia Antonov

Illia Antonov

Marian Baus

Marian Baus

Elena Cervenova

Elena Cervenova

Michal Rehorek

Michal Rehorek

Bohdan Zubac

Mgr. Bohdan Zubac


Ringier Axel Springer Media in relation to the corporate restructuring and subsequent sale of its portfolio of market-leading printed newspapers and magazines in Slovakia.

Rémy Cointreau Group, one of the top distributors of alcohol beverages in the CEE region, on the Czech and Slovak law aspects of the sale of their Czech and Slovak distribution network to Mast-Jagermeister.

SABMiller on the Czech and Slovak law aspects of the sale of its CEE businesses, including the Czech brewery Plzeňský Prazdroj and Slovak brewery Pivovary Topvar, to Asahi Group.

Veolia Energie ČR (formerly Dalkia Česká republika) on its acquisition of Pražská teplárenská LZP, which operates heat supply networks on the left bank of the Vltava river in Prague.

Publicis on the acquisition of Kindred Group, the largest independent digital communications group in the Czech Republic.