E-mail: veronika.bausova@prkpartners.com
Veronika is an attorney at law at PRK Partners, specializing, in particular, in corporate law, commercial law and public procurement.
She obtained a master’s degree from the Law Faculty of the University of Trnava in 2013 and a Doctorate (JUDr.) from the same university in 2016. In 2019, Veronika was admitted as an attorney at law to the Slovak Bar Association.
Veronika worked at PRK Partners for almost 5 years as paralegal and from 2013 until 2019 worked there as an associate. She has participated in provision of legal advices to Slovak and international clients with focus on corporate law matters and public procurement. During her practice, she participated in the legal advisory in public procurement for a PPP project in Slovakia. Veronika also frequently participates in corporate transactions including legal due diligence of Slovak companies.
Veronika is fluent in Slovak and English.