E-mail: bohumil.havel@prkpartners.com
Bohumil Havel is a distinguished Czech academic and a primary author of the new Act on Business Corporations. He is also a recognised expert in corporate law (including comparison with EU law) specialising in the general principles of commercial and civil law, contract law and insolvency law.
He earned his Doctorate (Ph.D.) and then in 2010 his post-Doctorate (Habilitation degree) in commercial law from the Faculty of Law of the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, where he worked from 1999 to 2001 as an assistant professor in the Department of Business Law and from 2001 to 2010 as an associate professor of private law, specialising in corporate and insolvency law. Bohumil has been a co-author of the new Act on Business Corporations and other acts as an external collaborator of the Ministry of Justice of the Czech Republic since 2001.
Bohumil was named Lawyer of the Year 2012 in the Commercial Law category for his outstanding contribution to the drafting of the Business Corporations Act. He was a co-author, and acted as the head of the group responsible for the drafting of a number of acts including the draft of the new Insolvency Act, a counter-proposal and compromise proposal for the Bankruptcy Act, the Act on Commodity Exchanges and Commodity Trading and the Act on Takeover Bids.
He has worked for many years as an expert practitioner both in the Czech Republic and abroad; in addition to university teaching, he is also a lecturer and speaker at conferences and commercial seminars focused on the Commercial Code and its amendments and on the new Insolvency Act.
Bohumil has been a researcher at the Institute of State and Law of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, a member of the Czech Government’s Legislative Council, as well as a member of many other commissions, professional associations, editorial boards of legal and business publications and academic bodies.
Bohumil has acted as Of Counsel at PRK Partners since October 2009. He is fluent in Czech and English.