Insurance & Reinsurance

We offer comprehensive expertise on the Czech and Slovak insurance and reinsurance markets. Our in-house specialists work closely with regulators to provide tailored advice to clients, helping them meet their goals.

We advise key players in the Czech and Slovak Republics on the transfer of insurance portfolios and the acquisition or divestment of holdings in insurers, reinsurers and intermediaries. We assess the implications of international transactions relating to insurance and reinsurance.

We advise on loss-adjusting activities and provide support o litigation and areas such as bankruptcy law. We assist both insurers and reinsurers on matters relating to reinsurance, including cross-border issues. And we can help clients negotiate or resolve issues with insurance and reinsurance intermediaries.

In addition, we are happy to support clients who plan to introduce new insurance products onto the Czech or Slovak markets. We are well equipped to help with the entire process – from structuring products, assessing new offerings, complying with distribution requirements, evaluating consumer protection, data privacy and anti-money laundering issues, representing clients in registration procedures and establishing relations with business partners, to preparing agreements with distribution networks and dealing with other issues of contract law.


We represented a leading Czech insurance company in around 400 disputes concerning the validity of insurance agreements.