We successfully represented a client who undergone a gender reassignment process

PRK Partners s.r.o., a leading law firm, successfully represented a PRO BONO client who had undergone gender reassignment in a dispute concerning the renewal of university diplomas with updated personal details.

The Regional Court in Ostrava - Olomouc Branch ruled in favor of our client, affirming their rights against the inactivity of the administrative authority - Palacký University in Olomouc. The court solidly reinforced our client's entitlement to new university diplomas reflecting their updated personal information post-gender reassignment.

Previously, the administrative authority had denied the issuance of new university diplomas, claiming the absence of legal grounds for such an action.

However, the Administrative Court rebuked the administrative authority's argument, stating unequivocally that "the lack of legislation permitting transgender individuals to modify personal data on issued academic diplomas and their supplements represents an unjustified and unwelcome gap in the law that should be addressed by analogy."

PRK Partners successfully represented a PRO BONO client who had undergone gender reassignment in a dispute concerning the renewal of university diplomas with updated personal details

By this ruling, the court not only validated but emphasized that universities possess the requisite legal mechanisms to issue new diplomas with an individual’s current, accurate data. The court dispelled any uncertainties about the legality of this process, leaving no hindrances to prevent universities from accommodating such requests from graduates.

The ruling was promptly implemented by Palacký University in Olomouc, which responded by issuing new university diplomas to the client, an action we are sincerely grateful for.

We believe that this judgment will lay a good groundwork for all universities, paving the way for smooth issuance of updated academic diplomas to graduates who have undergone gender reassignment.